Cardia Health Care

Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease: A leading cause to death


How many of you know that your fist sized heart is the strongest muscle in your body?

Three weeks after you were conceived, it started beating and will have beaten for about two and a half billion times, if you live to be 70. But however, this spectacular and strong heart can also become vulnerable from habitual risk factors. And when your heart’s functions become compromised, this is known as cardiovascular disease. The term ‘cardiovascular disease’ (CVD) refers to any disease of the heart, vascular disease of the brain, or disease of the blood vessel.

“About 3 million people die of heart disease every year in India which accounts to nearly 30% of all the deaths.”

With the turn of the century, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have become the leading cause of mortality in India. Nearly a quarter of all deaths in India are attributable to CVDs with ischemic heart disease and stroke responsible which according to a study affect Indians at least a decade earlier and in their most productive midlife years.

Sadly, many of these Indians will be dying young!

Cardiovascular Disease

Many risk factors are associated with coronary artery disease and stroke. Some risk factors, such as family history and diabetes, cannot be modified, while other risk factors, like high blood pressure, can be modified with treatment.

It is not necessary for you to develop cardiovascular disease, if you have a risk factor. But the more risk factors you have, the greater the possibility that you will, unless you take action to modify your risk factors and work to prevent them.

Modifiable risk factors include:

  • Physical inactivity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Tobacco use
  • Cholesterol
  • Obesity and being overweight


But with timely diagnosis, CVDs can be modified. Like it says, most of the factors are modifiable. The treatment option that is best for a person will depend on their specific type of CVD.

However, some options include:

  • medication, such as to reduce low density lipoprotein cholesterol, improve blood flow, or regulate heart rhythm
  • non – invasive surgeries, such as EECP treatment and Chelation Therapy
  • cardiac rehabilitation, including exercise prescriptions and lifestyle counselling


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