Cardia Health Care

Rehabilitation Programs

Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs - Goodbye Angioplasty

Our Lifestyle Education program helps the patients not only to reverse the Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) but also help become heart attack proof (Terms & conditions of lifestyle management practices are to be followed religiously). This advanced procedure helps in increasing the flow of fresh blood in other Vital Organs of their bodies (e.g. Kidneys, Liver, Brain, Pancreas etc.) This naturally cures them in regulating their Sugar, Blood pressure and kidney related problems to a large extent, phenomenally.

Our Purpose is to change the complete lifestyle and reduce the risk of heart disease through diet modification, stress management, exercise, pranayama, meditation, education, and counselling so that the patient would never require angioplasty. Our primary goal is to foster independence: enabling individuals to self-monitor their activities and to take primary responsibility for healthier lifestyle behaviors and risk factor reduction.
Our team is available to see and treat patients with advanced and unstable heart disease and provide expert care to our patients.

Zero Oil Concept


The most common form of lifestyle, which people gave in this modern era, is sedentary lifestyle. Very few are involved in regular physical activities. Most of us have a lifestyle which has minimal of physical work, no exercise and bad dietary habits i.e. sedentary lifestyle.

Now, it is known to all that fat forms blockages in the arteries (tubes which carry blood) like coronary arteries. These fats are called cholesterol and triglycerides. They get deposited in layers over a period of years. When these blockages become significant, the tubes (arteries) get choked leading to disease called coronary artery disease (angina, heart attack).

In the past 50 years cholesterol (an animal fat) was considered as the only constituent of the blockages. It was only in the last one decade or so that triglycerides (a plant fat) has been found to be equally responsible for creating blockages. Triglyceride is the chemical name, known to the common man as “Cooking Oil”.
The oil manufacturing companies exploited the naivety of the people, misled them to believe that oils are harmless by promoting their sales with captions like “Cholesterol Free” or “Zero Cholesterol Oil”


The layman started buying these oils. What they failed to realise was that these oils are also hundred percent fats because they are triglycerides and triglycerides are equally harmful. Oils also have high calories content (each gram gives nine calories) that can lead to obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. It is best to minimize the fat content in our food (optimum requirement of fat by the body is 10% of the total calories).

This can be easily obtained from all the food items, as every food contains oil known as invisible fat or hidden fat. This means that all the visible sources of fat (i.e. cooking oil) should be completely cut down. Now, this would raise a query: how to prepare delicious food without oil?


What if the food is prepared without oil? Will the taste be there? If you think rationally the answer would be yes. The taste comes from the spices (masalas). Oil itself does not add taste. It is our mindset, which was trained to believe all these years, which says that taste comes from oil. But when we ask to remove the oil, the masalas get removed automatically. This happens because the housewife does not know how to put the spices, when no oil appears in the frying pan.

This prompted the development of the concept of “Zero Oil”. By “Zero Oil” we mean cooking without using a single drop of oil. Under this method the spices and food are cooked in water and since the spices are there the colour, taste and flavour remain intact.

By introducing the zero-oil concept in your cooking there will be no risk of taking in cholesterol and triglycerides. This can also be helpful in reducing weight, since the high calorie gain far is removed. With our lifestyle change program, you can say goodbye to angioplasty

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